The Ploče Port Authority was founded by the Croatian Government Resolution on February 13, 1997 for the management, development and use of the Port of Ploče.
According to its purpose, the port of Ploče is a port open for international public traffic, and according to its size and significance it has been proclaimed as a port of outstanding international economic interest for the Republic of Croatia.
The Port Authority of Ploče is a public nonprofit institution.
Statute of the Ploce Port Authority
The Port Authority’s activities are:
- caring for the construction, maintenance, management, protection and improvement of the port area in Ploce and Metkovic,
- ensuring permanent and uninterrupted port traffic, technical and technological unity and safe navigation,
- coordinating and supervising concessionaires performing economic activities in the port area,
- managing the free port zone.
The Port Authority’s mission is to create all the necessary conditions for the development of the port of Ploce into a competitive location that will satisfy the port users with regard to the speed, quality, reliability, safety, economy and productivity of the services provided in the port. Particular importance is given to the direct and indirect effects that the port service generates within the local community’s economy and the state as a whole.
The Port’s reorganization and the establishment of the Port Authority have created a basis for the State’s financial participation in the construction and reconstruction of the capital port infrastructure, and on the other hand, the concessions enabled the participation of entrepreneurs and of private capital in the construction of port facilities and the development of port operations.
Ploče Port’s goal is to transform the port from a port of transshipment into a regional logistics center, which will provide, besides the application of modern technologies, a variety of distribution and additional services to goods transiting the port.